:: Routine Physical Exercise :: 31/01/2008

We should form into the habit of engaging ourselves in daily physical training. There are two big advantages to this habit: our bodies would be more readily receptive to technical trainings or even challenges which could take place anytime, any circumstances. Second, it tremendously reduces the chance of getting injured. Therefore, it is important we design a set of routine exercises that is suitable for our individual body needs; it can be a set of strength-building exercises, aerobic exercises or stretching exercises. No matter how busy our schedules are, we must keep our bodies well-tuned by engaging in these routine exercises on daily basis (in the event of being sick, one should make sure your body is in ideal condition first before resuming routine exercises). If we keep this as a habit over a period of time, not only our physical strength would be fortified, our spirits of striving for excellence and never yield to adversity will also be reinforced. This is indeed crucial to the development of any top-notched athletes.